Thursday, October 20, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
NMUSD Tech Classes
Fall Tech Classes are here!
I'm teaching a digital camera (oct. 5) and a HM Tech Resources class (Nov. 9).
And there are lots others too. Check it out. They fill up fast!
click here
Monday, October 17, 2005
HFW Power Point
Project Title
Using Power Point to teach and practice high frequency words.
Teachers Names:
Monique, Stephanie, Carol S., Nancy
General Description of Product
We would like to create a power point presentation to introduce and practice with high frequency words. This will be a daily 5 minute activity.
Project Purpose:
Students will read high frequency words before story with 80%accuracy. This will help them with fluency and comprehension.
Students can use “game show” type assessment in lab. Or, students can be called upon to read the words to show mastery.
Project Curricular Connection:
1.11 Read common, irregular sight words (e.g., the, have, said, come, give, of).
Digital Age Literacy: basic and technological
Project Support:
We will need training on how to use Power Point.
We will need TV/ Computer hook up and training.
Project Collaboration:
Frst one we’ll all work on together to learn the program together. After we are familiar with program we will work on independently.
1st grade: Monique will start with Theme 5.
Carol S. will start with Theme 6.
2nd grade: Stephanie will start with Theme 4.
Nancy will start with Theme 5.
Nancy will also provide training on Power Point.
We will burn it to a CD and share it with whomever whishes… (small cost? J/K)
We will have a CD to share.
1st grade Theme9 Week3- Vocabulary
1st grade Words to Know
2nd grade HFW for Theme 5 Story 1
K Assessments
Project Title
K Assessments
Teachers Names
Rebecca Olsen & Kristin Fredriksson
General Description of Product
To create a computerized version of our Kindergarten skills assessments that will eliminate ancillary components of the individual tests, i.e. rhyming cards, patterning, number secquencing, etc. Additionally, we hope to create games for student practice, in order to develop specific skills.
Project Purpose:
We will have more time to spend with students, individually and in groupings, to help improve skills and develop cognition in each of the skill areas.
Project Curricular Connection:
Our product will address all of the Kindergarten standards. Students will gain general knowledge and practice on keyboard, mouse manipulation, etc.
Project Support:
DVD’s or CD’s so that programs developed can be shared with all Kindergarten teachers on site.
Project Collaboration:
See above.
How will you collaborate as a team & what will each person’s role be.
Since we are working in a very small group, we will each take on a section of the Kindergarten skills to investigate and search for on-line resources and, ultimately, produce our program jointly.
The following are Kidspiration activities. Control Click to "Download Linked File". Before trying to open it, change the name of the document (by clicking on the document, then clicking on the name) and add .kia to the end of it.
1.1a Number Sense
1.1b Number Sense
1.2 Measurement and Geometry
1.2 Number Sequence
1.2 Statistics Patterning
1.3 Number Greater-less than
1.10 Reading-Rhymes
1.12 Reading-Tracking Words
1.13 Reading-Syllables
1.17 Reading-Picture Sorting
2.1 Geometric Shapes
2.1 Math Reasoning
2.2 Math Reasoning
2.2 Meas & Geo Comparing objects
3.2 Literary Response Print Materials
1.2 Statistics Patterning
PTC Blogs
Project Title:
PTC (Parent Teacher Communication) Blog
Teachers Names:
M. Piña, L. Medve, & J. Duddridge
General Description of Product:
To provide another mode of communication between home and school. In the event that parents do not have Internet access, the blog can be printed for those who need a hard copy. The blog will be used in conjunction with a webpage.
Project Purpose:
The parents will be informed of the curriculum that is occurring in the classroom and be given suggestions, resources, links, to reinforce concepts taught in the classroom. Families will also be able to respond and/or sign in as requested by the teacher/principal for response purposes. Student work or images will be password protected.
Project Curricular Connection: (What standards will your product address? What 21st century skills will be incorporated into your product?) The blog and website have the ability to connect with all content areas depending on focus of each posting. Effective Communication skills are being addressed by modeling different modes of communication.
Project Support:
Question and answer meetings; eMac access, and time to develop the sites.
Project Collaboration:
The product will be available via the district server/ website or by logging onto
How will you collaborate as a team & what will each person’s role be.
Peer collaboration; each person will work on developing their site. As the sites are designed each individual will share their efforts and receive feedback.
Video in the Classroom
Project Title :
Using Video in the Classroom
Teachers Names:
Frost, Lambright, Schroeder, Guerra, Shaw, Clipner
General Description of Product:
Downloading and organizing “Streaming Videos” to use with the California State Standards.
Project Purpose:
Teaching in a variety of ways will improve instruction and learning. Sheltering for your EL students is enhanced with visual stimuli.
Project Curricular Connection:
Cross-Curricular Standards
Project Support:
We need fast internet that is able to handle
Streaming Video, or downloads of streaming videos, Discs, time,
Project Collaboration: How will you collaborate as a team & what will each person’s role be.
More ideas Field Trip Videos: Film your class at a special event then share with the grade level.
Recipe for Streaming Video
DVDs available for...
Phonics Videos
Social Studies-Famous Americans
Leave a comment with your name and what DVD you would like a copy of (if interested)
HM PowerPoints
Project Title
HM Vocabulary Words with Clip Art (Theme 2)/Sound Spelling Cards
Teachers Names Deline, Lenhart. Rivadeneyra, Roberts
General Description of Product – Power Point: visual representation of vocabulary words (at least 5 per story)/photographed images with audio of Sound/Spelling cards
Project Purpose:
Will reach all visual and auditory modalities of learning.
Deeper understanding. More engaging.
Improved reading comprehension, writing, spelling)
Project Curricular Connection:
All language arts standards in HM theme 2. Use of computer, Internet and digital camera.
Project Support:
Google Search Engine for clip art.
Power Point.
New Epson printers for Lenhart and Roberts. Color ink cartridges for all.
Project Collaboration:
Put product on a CD.
Work in progress, CD, vocabulary cards on Focus Wall.
How will you collaborate as a team & what will each person’s role be. Brainstorming; working individually, with partners and as a group as needed.
Help Me to Learn & AR Programs
Project Title
Help Me to Learn & AR Programs
Teachers Names
Maggie Tool Terri Mayhugh Carol Gaylord/Lucia Vicente
Cici Ordaz Carly Larson Kelly Siegle
Suzanne Wolf
General Description of Product
Teachers want to familiarize themselves with Help Me to Learn & AR software to be able to comfortably implement with individual student with in class computers and to use with whole class in the Computer Lab setting.
Project Purpose:
AR—Increase student reading comprehension, by having students read at their individual level and progress at their own pace. Software will help to keep data on students attempts, and progress.
Help Me To Learn—Increase student decoding skills, by having students practice skill at their individual levels at their own pace. Software will keep data on student progress and give positive reinforcement.
Project Curricular Connection:
K-2 Reading & Language Arts standards.
Project Support:
1. Eva needs to train us on setting up Log In Screens for Help Me to Learn & AR with class lists.
2. Train group on log in and practicing using program.
3. Train group on setting up Computer Lab so we can bring class and use with our whole class.
4. Ask PFO to commit $ money to purchasing AR tests for common titles we all have in our class.
Project Collaboration:
We would be resources to the rest of the staff. Anecdotal sharing, printouts of student progress data, group created survey on comfort level using these programs and to see increased use.
Wednesday PLC days to collaborate and help. Maggie will be K & 2nd grade point person and Cici will be for 1st grade.
Steps for using Accelerated Readers>