Woodland Upgrades-Use it or Lose it!:)
What does Eva do when she comes into my classroom?
Well so far this year... I have updated all internet ready computers to OSX and installed (remotely) KidPix, Kidspiration, Appleworks and Microsoft Office. I have also created accounts for teachers and students that will require a log in for security reasons. If your computer is not on your desk, it will auto log in as a student. Student emacs are designated with a red dot. (Yellow means CD writing and Green means DVD writing). Student machines have a limited dock (no internet in dock, but still available) and limited user power. See me if you need adjustments.
Please note that technology equipment is costly and we only see a return on our investment if it is used. While we are committed to having every classroom equipped with a internet ready teacher station, equipment beyond that is a priviledge and if not utilized will go to a classroom that will use it. In other words, use it or lose it!:)
What a great policy!
Very well stated, Eva. Wow, we've come a long way!
Thank you eva for every great idea and all of the enthusiasm that goes with it. You are absolutely amazing and I am thankful that you are here to "hold my hand" through some of the techie stuff that I am SUPPOSED to know! :)
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