They finally let me present! YaHOO!
Click here for handouts to
Movie Magic and
Technology Resources for HMAlso here are some thoughts on each session I attended (and anyone else who wants to comment).
THURSDAYToday is Thursday and I've pretty much camped out at the Apple Session in Sierra.
9:30 Learned some cool things about Keynote.
HandoutsHow to make interactive, non-linear, multimedia projects. You need the new version to do hyperlinks, (Inspector-Document-Presentation), but basically it turns it in to a new old Hyperstudio project. Talked about designing your own ending to Fairy Tales to make a Choose your own adventure story using story spines or Kidspiration planning sheets
11:00- iDVDs
HandoutsCreate as a video yearbook and use as fundraisers for tech budget. Would love to do this one as an afterschool class.
Also a cool use of Keynote to circle things on a photo were modeled.
12:30 Started at Pages (could be cool for Christmas cards,have students take a photo and add a poem) but left to join Janet English's Science session. She was using the Vernier thermometers to do science experiments. Kids were placing thermometers in their hands to take temperatures and then excercising and taking them again. They were surprised to find that their temperatures went down and they continued to adjust their experiment to make it more precise. I loved the way she used what happened in 1st period to launch 2nd period instead of just starting over. I could see how it created a community of learners within her science classes. She used a book by
Vernier to get examples of lesson ideas.
2:00 Learned how to do a Podcast in GarageBand3- an application that I NEVER use, is now seeming irreplacable! It's super easy to use effects, record sound, drag and drop images or video and export to iWeb. The best part was that as you layer tracks they automatically fall into fade mode when your vocals are come in! Too Cool!
VENDORSFriday we visited the first half of vendors. We saw Vicki present the activBoard and Votes for Promethean. We really need to have her out for a staff development.
Peter Reynolds has some good software out. His Stationery Studio looked really fun, just glorifyied and simplified word processing, but that's perfect for K-2 ($70 for 1, lab pack-35 for $850). Also he has a really cool professional development series.
Evan Moor had 10 titles of activities on the computer call Look, Learn and Listen. Great for ELLs but also covered a lot of K social studies standards. $30 per title, school license$140)
NECC was there, promoting the San Diego Conference ($145 before Mar. 31st)
FRIDAYHave to admit I did a bit of session hopping:( but it worked out for the best.
Internet Resources to Support Open Court's K-6 LA InstructionUnfortunately the internet was not working but I bookmarked a few sites that look like they might be worth another look- hopefully more to add on to the HMTechwikispace.
SRA ONlineOpen Court ResourcesLinda PerryLA Tech ResourcesTech and Teaching Kids to ReadJan BrettOption's for Using Technology in LAAssistive Technology Contact
The obvious enlarging text, color coding, highlighting, different colored background and auto summary.
Using the thesaurus tool in Word to make "meatier" sentences was cool. Highlight a dead word like "make", right click and use Thesarus for more ideas like "compose". Also a cool idea, use power point for sight word flashcards, set a time and voice over and see if kids can beat the computer- would be great for HMDay #5 Review
K-2 Social Studies LessonCool mapping lesson. Disposal cameras were sent home so kids could take pictures of their house to put on a class neighborhood map. Students measured distance from school on the map with strips and then compared them by placing them shortest to longest. Could also be done with Google Earth or have kids make a power point presentation of where they live and label the rooms in the house for EL.
Weaving the web into your LA CurriculumUse United Streaming to launch your theme (yet another idea for the wikispace)
Grimm Fairy Tales OnlineAesop's FablesJan Brett VideosMaking Words GoodiesSATURDAYVery distracting to be a presenter and try to attend sessions:) My sessions went well and I think Nancy and my mom, Debbie, are ready to give it a shot next year. At the end of the day, we attended a session about KidPix and some templates that a teacher had made that she was selling with her book. And the debate came up, we tech-loving teachers put in a lot of time to make all the tech projects we've done, and while who wouldn't want to make a bundle$$$ on it, should we with the vision be more interested in making these activities available to teachers so students can benefit? We did end up buying the book, for research purposes:), and you know teachers-we can't resist having something in our hands for support.